Love Sick and Heart Broken Remedies in Homeopathy

Ailments from Love, Disappointed

"Healing Hearts: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Love and Rejection"



Instructor: Dr Manish BhatiaLanguage: English

A Masterclass by a Master Teacher!

A 3 hour Materia Medica extravaganza with Dr Manish Bhatia - Learn new remedies like Oxytocin, Vasopressin, Dopamine, Androctonus etc. Master old remedies with the help of rubrics, provings and materia medica like never before!



Ailments from Love, Disappointed is a comprehensive course that explores the various emotional and psychological challenges that can arise from experiences of love and disappointment and how we address them with homeopathy. This course delves deep into the effects of these emotions on individuals and provides insights and strategies to overcome and heal from such ailments.

The first two remedies that we immediately think of for 'disappointment in love' are IGNATIA & NATRUM MUR.

But do you know that there are more than 57 homeopathic medicines for 'Aliments from love, disappointed' in the Synthesis repertory and about the same number of remedies under the rubric 'Ailments from love, disappointed, unhappy.' Complete repertory lists 88 remedies under Love, disappointment, unhappy, ailments from, agg.


  • Where did this rubric come from?
  • What are the clinical implications of this rubric and the remedies listed under this rubric?
  • What are the key differentiating factors of each individual who is experiencing 'disappointment in love'?
  • How will the knowledge of materia medica get us all to the most similar remedy in such cases?
  • How does one remedy differs from the other despite of having the same causation?


  • The Physiology of Love - understand what goes in your brain when you fall in love.
  • The Physiology of Heart Break - understand what goes in your brain when you experience a heart break.
  • Learn how you can use this information to select the right group of remedies.
  • Classifying remedies for acute disappointment and chronic disappointment and explaining their biological reason.
  • Learning the Relevant Rubrics & Their Remedies like
    • Love:Disappointment, unhappy, ailments from, agg.:
    • Love:Romantic, desire for:
    • Love:Wrong person, with, out of social context:
    • Love:Playboys, wants to make love to everyone:
    • Dreams:Love:
    • Love:Exalted:
    • Love:Romantic, desire for:
    • Love:Love-sick:
    • Dreams:Love:Fallen in:
    • Love:Wrong person, with, out of social context:
    • Suicidal disposition:Love disappointment, from:
    • And dozens of other releated rubrics!
  • Learn to Study Materia Media by understanding the relation in
    Cause --> Experience --> Expression/Reaction
  • Learning New Remedies derived from Hormones -
    • Cortisonum
    • Dopamine
    • Oxytocin
    • Vasopressin
  • Learning Old Remedies
    • Acid Phos
    • Androctonus Amoreuxi
    • Antim crud
    • Aurum met
    • Belladonna
    • Bufo rana
    • Calcarea phos
    • Carcinosinum
    • Helleborus
    • Hyoscyamus
    • Ignatia
    • Natrum mur
    • Pulsatilla
    • Rhus glabara
    • Sepia
    • Staphysagria
    • Tuberculinum

This is a masterclass by a master teacher which will leave you fulfilled and more in love with homeopathy!




20 years experience in homeopathy but this workshop brought me new perspectives and view points for my cases. Excellent structure and thank you for sharing your deep knowledge. New fan here in Berlin !

by Nicola Cordes

I am really very very impressed by the seminar. Initially had a mindset that what much is going to be there in a least paid seminar, but hats off Dr. Manish. he has taken much much efforts for this seminar and its really admirable. Looking forward really for more of these kind of seminars.

by Dr.Amirtha Rashmi

I'm so glad i signed up for this seminar. It was a great comprehensive session. I'm definitely looking forward to attending more such seminars. Thank you.

by Dr Harsitha

It was special as Dr Manish put his best understanding spontaneously. It opened a new way to look into the complex interaction between human makeup and the powerful and complex emotion of Love. New remedies were also added last minute which shows the keenness of Dr Manish Bhatia to give his best. Another striking feature was the lucidity and variety of perspectives offered in the materia medica descriptions.

by Dr Praveen Kumar

Unique analysis and interpretation, in depth studies of the rubric "ailments from love disappointed" comparatively exceptional to other webinars, extremely informative and most enriching session with discussion of related remedies of long list, great great , thanks so much

by Dr.Dwip Narayan Ganguly



what ppl say abt dr bhatia's teaching

If you could have only one teacher, Dr. Bhatia should be the one.

— Alan Schmukler

The way you are explaining is very pure. Whatever it is for, it is perfect! Really helping in day to day practice. Interesting yet knowledgeable.

— Dr Atit Seth

Superb sir! HMM and Rubrics series throughout blockbuster... plz keep going on ...never stop for us.

— Dr Abhijeet Gaurav

About Dr Bhatia

Dr Manish Bhatia (MD (hom), M.Sc (UCLAN, UK)), founder director of, is a veteran classical homeopath with more than 2 decades of clinical and teaching experience.

An internationally renowned teacher and speaker, he has taught students globally. One of the few teachers who have taught at IACH, Greece and The Other Song Academy, Mumbai and NIH, Kolkata

He is one of the very few who can teach you how to live Organon in practice and can teach Organon, Repertory and Materia Medica with equal elan and command! Renowned as one of the best teachers of Organon today, his books ' Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1-3' are used as a reference text world-over and are even recommended by CCH for BHMS and MD (Hom) syllabus. ' Homeopathy and Mental Health Care' is another book that he has co-authored.

Dr Manish Bhatia


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You get a one month access to the recorded class.

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4. You will now see your course on the dashboard with a ‘start now’ button
5. Click on the ‘start now’ button to start viewing course videos.
6. Make sure that you click on the ‘complete course’ button for courses that provide certificates

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